The Second Siege of Meereen Diorama


The Objective of this project was to create a diorama style animation. The scene that is shown above is a recreation of a scene from the popular tv show “Game of Thrones”. The idea of this animation was to take the most dramatic actions seen in the actual clip from the show and isolate them and simplify them, then changing the aesthetic to match the diorama animation style. An image from the scene depicted can be seen below.


The first step to creating this animation is to plan out everything that is going to take place. This means that a storyboard is developed. The storyboard shows each main point of the scene within panels accompanied by any additional audio notes and explanations necessary.


Once the plan is set in place, the next step is to build the assets that will be used in our animation. A majority of the assets were built within one single Illustrator file all separated in layers. The assets included The flame sequence, dragon, its wing, the boat, the catapult, each section of the temple, the water, the soldier the title card and the closing credit. These can be seen below.


After building all of the assets necessary for the scene, it is time to begin the animation process. This was done in Adobe After Effects using 3D layers. a screenshot of the process in After Effects can be seen below.


The Final step to the creation of this video was to add sound effects to all of the movements. For this project, most of the sounds were found online and many were modified to fit the motions of the animation. These sound effects included the wing flaps, fire, catapult, stone, and gliding. below you can see the layout of these sound effects in the After Effects timeline.
