NEIT Wayfinding

Window Signage Mock-Up v2

For this project, the goal was to develop an improved form of wayfinding for the New England Institute of Technology’s East Greenwich campus. This is a study on the development of the third floor wayfinding.

In order to improve the wayfinding of the 3rd floor of NEIT’s East Greenwich campus, we began by developing a map with simplistic icons to represent each of the departments located on the third floor. These are the early sketches for the map and icons.


Before bringing the work into Adobe Illustrator, it was important to develop a color palette for this project. Each department on the map would be color coded to ensure that they were easy to differentiate.

Map Colors


I then developed a hierarchy for the departments based on what would be most important for students to know of. Though because of the limited resources found on the 3rd floor, we established a persona of a medical student and created the hierarchy accordingly and presented it with a visual.




After bringing this work into Illustrator and working with others to develop new icons, the finished product served the same purpose but with a different look.

WayFinding Map