Kinetic Typography


The objective of this project was to create a kinetic typography animation following a quote from any form of media. The quote chosen for this video is a section of a monologue taken from the web series Red vs Blue. This monologue takes place during the finale of the show’s thirteenth season.


The first step to creating this animation is to plan out everything that is going to take place. This means that a storyboard is developed. The storyboard shows each main point of the scene within panels accompanied by any additional notes if necessary. to accurately plan out this animation, the storyboard was created using Adobe Illustrator and can be viewed below.

Set up:

Before any animating takes place, the project is laid out in 3D space in Adobe After Effects. Below are screenshots of the project laid out before implementing the camera.


To properly execute this animation, a plugin called “Sure Target” was used. With this plugin allowed for the camera to easily direct itself toward each scene that was laid out, and automatically animates itself looking between them.