Coffee Grinder Rebrand


The objective of this project was to develop a new look and feel for a coffee shop. The coffee house that I worked on was a small shop located in Newport, RI on the very end of Bannister’s Wharf called Coffee Grinder.


For the colors of this project, I took direct inspiration from the surrounding area. On bannister’s Wharf, every shop has the same green and gold color palette, so I decided to keep with this theme.

Coffee Color-01

To develop the logo, I began with sketches, taking several directions that would include the environment of the shop while still representing a coffee shop. Considering their location, I decided to take aspects that reminded me of a port, as well as elements that represented coffee.


After deciding which sketch I found worked best, I brought it into Adobe Illustrator and refined it. Here it is next to their current logo.

Coffee Logo
